Dummy data

In Informatics, dummy data is benign information that does not contain any useful data, but serves to reserve space where real data is nominally present. Dummy data can be used as a placeholder for both testing and operational purposes. For testing, dummy data can also be used as stubs or pad to avoid software testing...

Dummy data 2

In Informatics, dummy data is benign information that does not contain any useful data, but serves to reserve space where real data is nominally present. Dummy data can be used as a placeholder for both testing and operational purposes. For testing, dummy data can also be used as stubs or pad to avoid software testing...

Mud Bugs Nature Workshop

Strokestown House

Inspiring Wild & Magical Childhoods in Nature Date: Thursday, August 11th Times: 10am (3 - 6 yrs), 1pm ( 3- 6 yrs), 4pm ( 7 – 12yrs) Duration: 90mins Ticket...

Special tour of the newly conserved Mahon Family Mausoleum.

Strokestown Park

For Heritage Week 2022 we are conducting a special tour of the Mausoleum, which was constructed within an earlier 17th century church and contains a crypt in which members of the Mahon Family were buried. Following years of careful and professional conservation and sympathetic landscaping, this ruin is again accessible and visible to visitors to...

Ecology For Children along the Woodland Trail, Strokestown Park

Strokestown Park

Find beauty and magic in the mature woodlands of Strokestown Park, where children and big children alike will discover the rich ecology of our natural heritage. Teaching young children about ecology and the environment will teach them lessons they will take through the rest of their life. If children learn to respect and care for...

Car Show

Strokestown Park

A Day in Automotive History   Looking to plan a day out for all the family? Need to fill the summer holidays and want to avoid the airport delays? The annual show "A Day Of Automotive History" will be taking place on Sunday, 21st of August at Strokestown Park House as part of Heritage Week....